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These gadgets require AmigaDOS V2.0 or later, otherwise all the gadgets
will be ghosted and unavailable.
These are a group of six gadgets. Modes that are unavailable for the CPU
type fitted in your Amiga, will be ghosted and not available. Clicking
these gadgets changes the cache modes for the Instruction and Data caches
of the CPU and allows you to compare the difference in speed with
different cache settings.
The 'ALL' toggle gadget (lower right side) inverts all settings from their
current state and vice versa.
Some cache manipulation will still be done automatically by the program
for some tests (IE. MHZ test). Caches will always be enabled temporarily
for test such as this, otherwise the results would be meaningless.
Remember that if you disable the caches and then exit
the proram before enabling them again, they will still
be off and you will need to re-enable them will the CPU
command or such.
A4000 and other 68040 OWNERS NOTE
Under 37.10 and greater of 68040.library it is no longer possible to turn
CopyBack off. If you click the gadget you will notice that the mode does
not change. This is normal. However as CopyBack is a Data Cache mode, if
the Data Cache is off, the CopyBack setting has no effect.