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When this gadget is clicked another window will open and display various
information on any AutoConfig boards found in the system. This information
consists of the memory address of where the board was configured, its
size, and the type of board. The types to date, can be ZORRO II or ZORRO
III, any others are not yet defined by Commodore and will be displayed as
UNDEFINED. The boards Product number, manufactures ID and the serial
number will also be displayed. If SysInfo recognises the manufacturer of
the card and or the product itself it will display the names instead of
the numbers. Note that a standard A3000 has no AutoConfigure boards as
such, its extra hardware is known by the special Kickstart files and its
memory and hard drive are added to the system by this kickstart. A2000
users using zkick to load V2.0 will also notice that their memory boards
will not show in the AutoConfig list, as they were actually configured by
1.3 and zkick patches them in to the memory list.
If Sysinfo does not recognise a board by name, it used to only print the
Manufacturer and Product numbers. Since version 3.22 it now looks in an
external file (if it exists) in the S: directory called "SysInfo.boards"
in an attempt to match each of these unknown board numbers with strings
that you have supplied within the file.